Thursday, December 11, 2008

Introduction to Programming

Computer Systems
A computer system consists of all the components (hardware and software) used to execute the desires of the computer user. Hardware is the electronic phys- ical components that can retrieve, process and store data. It is generally broken down into five basic components:
Central Processing This is the unit where programs are executed. It
Unit (C.P.U.) consists of the control unit, which oversees the
overall operation of program execution and the
A.L.U. (Arithmetic/Logic Unit), which performs the
mathematical and comparison operations.
Main Memory The area where programs and data are stored for
use by the CPU
Secondary Storage The area where programs and data are filed (stored)
for use at a later time
Input Devices The devices used to get programs and data into the
computer (e.g., a keyboard)
Output Devices The devices used to get programs and data from the
computer (e.g., a printer)
Software consists of a sequence of instructions given to perform some pre-defined task. These labs concentrate on the software portion of a computer system.
Introduction to Programming
A computer program is a series of instructions written in some computer lan- guage that performs a particular task. Many times beginning students concentrate solely on the language code; however, quality software is accomplished only after careful design that identifies the needs, data, process and anticipated out- comes. For this reason it is critical that students learn good design techniques before attempting to produce a quality program. Design is guided by an algo- rithm, which is a plan of attacking some problem. An algorithm is used for many aspects of tasks, whether a recipe for a cake, a guide to study for an exam or the specifications of a rocket engine.

Problem example: Develop an algorithm to find the average of five test grades.

An algorithm usually begins with a general broad statement of the problem.
Find the average of Five Test Grades
From here we can further refine the statement by listing commands that will accomplish our goal.
Read in the Grades Find the Average Write out the Average

Each box (called a node) may or may not be refined further depending on its clarity to the user. For example: Find the Average may be as refined as an experienced programmer needs to accomplish the task of finding an average; however, students learning how to compute averages for the first time may need more refinement about how to accomplish the goal. This refinement process continues until we have a listing of steps understandable to the user to accomplish the task. For example, Find the Average may be refined into the fol- lowing two nodes.
Total=sum of 5 grades Average=Total/5

Starting from left to right, a node that has no refinement becomes part of the algo- rithm. The actual algorithm (steps in solving the above program) is listed in bold.
Find the Average of Five Test Grades
Read in the Grades
Find the Average
Total = sum of 5 grades Average = Total / 5
Write Out the Average
From this algorithm, a program can be written in C++.
Translation Process
Computers are strange in that they only understand a sequence of 1s and 0s. The following looks like nonsense to us but, in fact, is how the computer reads and executes everything that it does:
Because computers only use two numbers (1 and 0), this is called binary code. can imagine how complicated programming would be if we had to learn this very complex language. That, in fact, was how programming was done many years ago; however, today we are fortunate to have what are called high level languages such as C++. These languages are geared more for human understanding and thus make the task of programming much easier. However, since the computer only understands low level binary code (often called machine code), there must be a translation process to convert these high level languages to machine code. This is often done by a compiler, which is a software package that translates high level

languages into machine code. Without it we could not run our programs. The fig-
ure below illustrates the role of the compiler.
High Level Low Level Code


Language Code
(Object Code)

(Source Code)

The compiler translates source code into object code. The type of code is often reflected in the extension name of the file where it is located.
Example: We will write source (high level language) code in C++ and all our file names will end with .cpp, such as:
firstprogram.cpp secondprogram.cpp
When those programs are compiled, a new file (object file) will be created that ends with .obj, such as:
firstprogram.obj secondprogram.obj
The compiler also catches grammatical errors called syntax errors in the source code. Just like English, all computer languages have their own set of grammar rules that have to be obeyed. If we turned in a paper with a proper name (like John) not capitalized, we would be called to task by our teacher, and probably made to correct the mistake. The compiler does the same thing. If we have something that violates the grammatical rules of the language, the compiler will give us error messages. These have to be corrected and a grammar error free program must be submitted to the compiler before it translates the source code into machine language. In C++, for example, instructions end with a semicolon. The following would indicate a syntax error:
cout << "Hi there" << endl
Since there is no semicolon at the end, the compiler would indicate an error, which must be corrected as follows:
cout << "Hi there" << endl;
After the compile process is completed, the computer must do one more thing before we have a copy of the machine code that is ready to be executed. Most programs are not entirely complete in and of themselves. They need other mod- ules previously written that perform certain operations such as data input and out- put. Our programs need these attachments in order to run. This is the function of the linking process. Suppose you are writing a term paper on whales and would like a few library articles attached to your report. You would go to the library, get a copy of the articles (assuming it would be legal to do so), and attach them to your paper before turning it in. The linker does this to your pro- gram. It goes to a “software library” of programs and attaches the appropriate code to your program. This produces what is called the executable code, generated in a file that often ends with .exe.
Example: firstprogram.exe secondprogram.exe

The following figure summarizes the translation process:

Library Linker


Source Code
(High Level Language
such as C++)
Compiler translates source code into object code.
The .obj file contains a translation of the source code.
Linker links library code with the object code to produce the .exe file.
The .exe file is executable.

Once we have the executable code, the program is ready to be run. Hopefully it will run correctly and everything will be fine; however that is not always the case. During “run time”, we may encounter a second kind of error called a run time error. This error occurs when we ask the computer to do something it cannot do. Look at the following sentence:
You are required to swim from Naples, Italy to New York in five minutes.
Although this statement is grammatically correct, it is asking someone to do the impossible. Just as we cannot break the laws of nature, the computer cannot violate the laws of mathematics and other binding restrictions. Asking the com- puter to divide by 0 is an example of a run time error. We get executable code; however, when the program tries to execute the command to divide by 0, the pro- gram will stop with a run time error. Run time errors, particularly in C++, are usu- ally more challenging to find than syntax errors.
Once we run our program and get neither syntax nor run time errors, are we free to rejoice? Not exactly. Unfortunately, it is now that we may encounter the worst type of error: the dreaded Logic error. Whenever we ask the computer to do something, but mean for it to do something else, we have a logic error. Just as there needs to be a “meeting of the minds” between two people for meaningful communication to take place, there must be precise and clear instructions that gen- erate our intentions to the computer. The computer only does what we ask it to do. It does not read our minds or our intentions! If we ask a group of people to cut down the tree when we really meant for them to trim the bush, we have a communication problem. They will do what we ask, but what we asked and what we wanted are two different things. The same is true for the computer. Asking it to multiply by 3 when we want something doubled is an example of a

logic error. Logic errors are the most difficult to find and correct because there are no error messages to help us locate the problem. A great deal of program- ming time is spent on solving logic errors.
Integrated Environments
An integrated development environment (IDE) is a software package that bun- dles an editor (used to write programs), a compiler (that translates programs) and a run time component into one system. For example, the figure below shows a screen from the Microsoft Visual C++ integrated environment.
Other systems may have these components separate which makes the process of running a program a little more difficult. You should also be aware of which Operating System you are using. An Operating System is the most important software on your computer. It is the “grand master” of programs that interfaces the computer with your requests. Your instructor will explain your particular sys- tem and C++ environment so that you will be able to develop, compile and run C++ programs on it.
Fill-in-the-Blank Questions
1. Compilers detect errors.

2. Usually the most difficult errors to correct are the errors,

since they are not detected in the compilation process.
3. Attaching other pre-written routines to your program is done by the
code is the machine code consisting of ones and zeroes

that is read by the computer.
5. Dividing by zero is an example of a error.

Lesson 1A 7
Learn the Environment That You Are Working In
The following information may be obtained from your instructor.
1. What operating system are you using?
2. What C++ environment are you working in?
3. If you are not working in an integrated environment, what are the com- pile, run and edit commands that you will need?
L E S S O N 1 A
Your instructor may assign either Appendix A or Appendix B depending on your environment. Appendix A is for labs using Visual C++ and Appendix B is for labs using UNIX. If you are using an environment other than these two, your instructor will give you instructions for this first lesson and ask you to complete Lab 1.1 below.
LAB 1.1 Opening, Compiling and Running Your First Program
Exercise 1: Logon to your system based on your professor’s instructions.
Exercise 2: Bring in the firstprog.cpp program from the Lab 1 folder.
Exercise 3: Compile the program.
Exercise 4: Run the program and write what is printed on the screen.
The code of firstprog.cpp is as follows:
// This is the first program that just writes out a simple message
// Place your name here
#include // needed to perform C++ I/O
using namespace std;
int main ()
cout << "Now is the time for all good men" << endl;
cout << "To come to the aid of their party" << endl;
return 0;

LAB 1.2 Compiling a Program with a Syntax Error
Exercise 1: Bring in program semiprob.cpp from the Lab 1 folder.
Exercise 2: Compile the program. Here we have our first example of the many syntax errors that you no doubt will encounter in this course. The error message you receive may be different depending on the system you are using, but the compiler insists that a semicolon is missing somewhere. Unfortunately, where the message indicates that the problem exists, and where the problem actually occurs may be two different places. To correct

the problem place a semicolon after the line cout << "Today is a great day for Lab".
Most syntax errors are not as easy to spot and correct as this one.
Exercise 3: Re-compile the program and when you have no syntax errors, run the program and input 9 when asked. Record the output.
Exercise 4: Try running it with different numbers. Record your output.
Do you feel you are getting valid output?
The code of semiprob.cpp is as follows:
// This program demonstrates a compile error.
// Place your name here
#include using namespace std;
int main()
int number; float total;
cout << "Today is a great day for Lab"
cout <<>> number;
total = number * 2;
cout << total << " is twice the number you typed" << endl;
return 0;
LAB 1.3 Running a Program with a Run Time Error
Exercise 1: Bring in program runprob.cpp from the Lab 1 folder.
Exercise 2: Compile the program. You should get no syntax errors.
Exercise 3: Run the program. You should now see the first of several run time errors. There was no syntax or grammatical error in the program; however, just like commanding someone to break a law of nature, the program is asking the computer to break a law of math by dividing by zero. It cannot be done. On some installations, you may see this as output that looks very strange. Correct this program by having the code divide by 2 instead of 0.
Exercise 4: Re-compile and run the program. Type 9 when asked for input. Record what is printed.

Lesson 1B 9
Exercise 5: Run the program using different values. Record the output. Do you feel that you are getting valid output?
The code of runprob.cpp is as follows:
// This program will take a number and divide it by 2.
// Place your name here
#include using namespace std;
int main()
float number; int divider;
divider = 0;
cout << "Hi there" << endl;
cout << "Please input a number and then hit return" <<>> number;
number = number / divider;
cout << "Half of your number is " << number << endl;
return 0;
L E S S O N 1 B
LAB 1.4 Working with Logic Errors
Exercise 1: Bring in program logicprob.cpp from the Lab 1 folder. The code follows.
// This program takes two values from the user and then swaps them
// before printing the values. The user will be prompted to enter
// both numbers.
// Place your name here
using namespace std;

int main()
float firstNumber; float secondNumber;
// Prompt user to enter the first number.
cout << "Enter the first number" <<>> firstNumber;
// Prompt user to enter the second number.
cout << "Enter the second number" <<>
cin >> secondNumber;
// Echo print the input.
cout << endl << "You input the numbers as " << firstNumber
<< " and " << secondNumber << endl;
// Now we will swap the values.
firstNumber = secondNumber; secondNumber = firstNumber;
// Output the values.
cout << "After swapping, the values of the two numbers are " <<>
return 0;
Exercise 2: Compile this program. You should get no syntax errors.
Exercise 3: Run the program. What is printed?
Exercise 4: This program has no syntax or run time errors, but it certainly has a logic error. This logic error may not be easy to find. Most logic errors create a challenge for the programmer. Your instructor may ask you not to worry about finding and correcting the problem at this time.

Lesson 1B 11
LAB 1.5 Writing Your First Program (Optional)
Exercise 1: Develop a design that leads to an algorithm and a program that will read in a number that represents the number of kilometers traveled. The output will convert this number to miles. 1 kilometer = 0.621 miles. Call this program kilotomiles.cpp.
Exercise 2: Compile the program. If you get compile errors, try to fix them and re-compile until your program is free of syntax errors.
Exercise 3: Run the program. Is your output what you expect from the input you gave? If not, try to find and correct the logic error and run the pro- gram again. Continue this process until you have a program that produces the correct result.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Kanbay Placement Test, Papers and Procedure

Kanbay Exam conducted on 2nd Aug 2003.The Selection Process will have Written Test, GD & Interview. : GD : You are each given a role to play..u have to justify why yours is best suited to the question and final reach a general consensus. Tps: Be cool...... Listen carefully..... n what u want but do say something.. don't be too aggressive nor too submissive n yes..don't address any one member only.Interview: They also ask puzzles like:

3 switches in the bottom floor, 3 bulbs on top floor..u can go upstairs only once.find out which switch is for which bulb. then , out of a group of 10 matchboxes..each with 10 matchsticks of 10 gms. if one weighs 9 will u find it in minimum no. of weighings..

Be confidant and preapre ques like why should we take u?

what are ur assets, hobbies, the last book that read , the last film that u saw of characters in that film etc..

Few questions of KANBAY 2003,aug 1st,in KITS college Bhubaneswar

I am sending all those which I could remember,all were multiple choices..they said cut-off was 12 but it was actually 15 per section.

It had two sections ,LOGIC AND MATHS,cut of in each secn 12,each had

30 questions,1 mark each


1.problems on permutation combinations like BANANA,…..

2.if april 18 was Wednesday in 1998,when is april 18 in 1999?

3.if B has its shadow falling on right side early morning ,then in

which direction is he facing?

4.age problems like…….Mothers age was twice the the age of son two years ago.after how many years will she be three times her sons age??

5.analyzing data interpretations and around 4-5 questions based on tat

6.a Guy has some chocolates with him he distributes them equally among 5 people and remaning with him is 3.if he distributes them equlay among 7 people remaining is 5 with him. Which of them isn't is possible no.of chocolates he had??53,208……….

7.4-5 problems on profit And loss a test moti,ganesh,manali,rupali,raj, appear,according to the scores moti is not the leats scorer but is lower to raj………….who occupies the 2 nd postion is the order? a meets mrs b is has a son and daughter .son is moti and is married and has a son .mrs moti is mr a mother .how is mr a related to mr b??

10.ram buys some dozens of apples and peaches .their price ratio is 5:7.if the price of 1 dozen of peach is is rs 9,how many dozens of apple did he bring?

11.problems based on relationships like those in rs aggarwal a queue A is is in 7 th positon from the left and B is 9 position from the left .if they switch positions A is in 11 th position ,find the total people in the row??


1. S 1=={1,2,3,4}, S 2 =={A,B.C……….Z},S 3=={……………},(S1*S2)U S3==?

2. IF 5*4=,8*7=B,how much is 6*9==

3. 4 to 5 questions on simplifying complex nos. equations

4. sphere of radius 4.5 cm is divide in three spheres ,two have radius 1.5 and 2 cm,find the other ones??

5. if COMPLEX == 81,and……………….how much is ANALYSE==?? 2-3

6. two taps a and b fill up a cistern in 2 and3 hrs ,at wat time should b be clsed if the tank cistern is filled up in 17 minutes??

7. a doctor checks 5 patients every 3 hrs with abreak of 10 minutes between each two check many he patients he checks in 10 hrs and 15 minutes??

8. no. of diagonals friends if vertices of a octagon are joined??

9. an equilateral triangle is formed by joining the centers of sides of a equilateral triangle.wat is the ratio of area ,s of both the triangles??

10. A can finish the work in 3 days , B can finish the work in double efficiency,can finish with equal efficiency of both A and B.if all work together within how many days will they complete the work?

11. A.B,C,D stand at the edges of a square.they start moving along the square sides.after clockwise rotation where will each be??

12. if 1 is stop,2 is run,3 is go,4 is wait,5 is walk,then would be the next stage if the following pattern 5 5 4 3 2 1 ……………………..

4 1 2 2 3 1 ?

13. C remembers meeting B after 14 but before 18 ,but D remembers meeting B after 16 but before 18.when did both meet B??

14. avg age of boys in a class is 12.when the age of teacher is included it is 13.wat could be the age of teacher? 35 , 45,53,50

written test consists of 2 sections(apptitude and logical reasoning)

of 30 quest. each and cut off is 12 each.and the total time is 1 hour.

1. which is greater (1000)pow1001 and 1001pow999 container contains milk and water in the ratio 3:7 and the other contains 8:11,in what ratio these two containers is to be mixed so that the ratio of milk and water is 4:5.

3. there are two simple problems on time and work. 4.four points will be given and you have to frame two st. line eq.s in such a way that their point of interesection lies in one of the four options.

5.there are two to three problems on profit and loss which are little bit time taking ,so i didn't attempt.

6.a series of nos will be given where the ans can be found by observing the diff bet two consecutive nos

logical reasoning

1. air is cloud

cloud is rain

rain is water

wateris sand so what is cloud? ans :sand

2. one quesion on relations

3. trafic: signal ans : river :dam

4. two more quesions are there 5. dsoighkl now if lk-(?)-sd , find letter in 4th place

6. some mammals are donkeys

allbuffalos will have horns

based on this 3 quesions r ther

7. two more r simmilar to above

8. to decode the noise :- H.................M ANS:C

9.cube is of size 5*5*5 .every side has been coloured. it is divided into 125 equal parts.

1) what is the no. of parts having only one side coloured - 54.

2) no. of parts having two sided coloured 36.

3) having no side coloured - 27.

10.find the no. of occurrence of T which is immediately preceded y P and no

timmediately followed by S in some series for eg. (TPTSTRUST.......) ans - 3

11.Four persons are there wearing different coloured shirts eg. A,B,C,D

wearing blue ,green, red, yellow.

Now, 1. A cannot wear yellow.

2. B can wear blue or green.

3. C /D is wearing yellow.

You have to find who is wearing which coloured shirt.

12.Find the root of 4a2+b2+c2+4ab-2bc-4ac Ans: 2a+b-c.Two

pipes can fill a tank in 5 hrs and 8 hrs. while a hole can empty it in 40 hrs.

What will be the time taken to fill if each operate at a time.

Soln: 1\x == 1\5 + 1\8 - 1\40

13.A can beat B by 20 mts. While C can beat B by 40 mts. In a race of 100

mts. By how much can C beat A? Soln: 75 mts.

14.If u start your journey 30 minutes late , u have to increase your speed by 250kms\hr. to cover up 1500 kms. In same time. What is your usual speed? Ans: 750kms\hr.

15.For a circle, radius is inc. by some % , find net change in area?

gd topics are

lov marriages r arranged marages

r tv serials helpful


Go thru 1>blood relation.


3>coding ?decoding.

4> puzzles.

Qus related to these topics were asked .

1)complete the series 600 ,180 ,54,

ans===.2( options were given)

2) some doctors are fool john is a doctor

a> john is a fool.b>all

b> fools are doctors from this you have to draw the conclusion given in the

options such as only a is true only b is tru both are tru or none is tru.

3> similar question like2

some teacher are female.a is female.

a>she is a teacher.

b>all females are teacher.

4>river : dam :: traffic:

ans.==== signal

other qus related to analogy were there .go thru R.S.AGRAWAL.

other qus were from the lbood relations .

some qus were from puzzles .

a,b,c,d,e,f,g are 7 epople seating on a wall facing

towards north.b is not at the end.c and d can not

seat together .

qus like this were there .

mathematical qus / aptitudes.

1)a sum of money doubles in 5 years by simple interest . how much time it will take for 300 to become 2400.

a>40 years b>25 years c>35 years d> 20 years.

2)if length of a rectangle is made 4 less and breadth is increased by 3 then the resultant square ?s area is equal to the rectangle. What is the perimeter of the rectangle .

3)what will be the no. at ? position below

51 11 61

64 30 32 35 ? 43

4>the L.C.M. and H.C.F. of two nos. are 84 and 21

and the nos. are in the ratio of 1:4 ,. Find the nos.

ans==== 21, 84

5)find the volume of the hemisphere having radius 2m .

6>problem based on compound interest were asked . so see the formula of compound interest.

7)a train goes from a to b. if it travels with 50 km/s then it is late by 10 mins. When it travels with30km/s then it bis late by 50 mins. Fi nd the distance between a and b.

8)a river is 8 m deep and 150 m wide.river?s speed is 5 km/s.

find the volume of water passed in one min.(1 m cube =1000 c.c.)

9) fin dthe equation of the st. line passing thru the intersection of the two lines and two other lines.(equ. Were given)

10) a man sells 20 mangoes + 15 oranges ath the same price as 15 mangoes+20 oranges. Ho would judge which is costlier .

11) a graph was given representing joint venture in the years. An dquestion related to the graph were asked such as A)in which year there was max. change.(ans. Was in the

last year)

12)A is counting the no from 1 to 32 and b from 32 .A is counting the odd no. only .both?s speed is same. What will be the number which will be pronounced by A

& B together. ( ans . aws none of these )but confirm yourself .

13) in the word ?DISTURBANCE? 1st is replaced by last 2nd is replced by 10th , 3rd is by 9th and so on. Which will be the next to ?T?.

14)GIVEN if x/y==3/5. if 1 is added to num . and 1 is subtracted from denominator then ratio ==5/7. find the number.

15)there are 5 black and 9 white balls .if one ball is drawn then find the probability of being white.

16)Avg. age of 5 children =.a child of 5 year age dies.after 4 years what will be the avg. age.

17)three nos. are given the product of first and last is equal to the square of the middle. Find the nos.(options were given) ans.== 10, 20, 40)

18) a rectangle was having length 100 m breadth 60 m. there is a road of 5m wide on each side of the rectangle . find the area of the road.

19) fir no. is the double of 2nd and ½ of the 3rd .(ans=H,24,96)

20) a girl cuts a cake in two halevs. One half is again cut into six equal parts . wt. Of the smaller one was 20 gms. Fin the wt. Of the whole cake.(ans=240gms.)

21)other question was based on the relative speed in the river . i.e. a person first goes upstream then down stream . river?s speed was given .also the diff. Of time was

given . find the speed of the man.

22) ravana speed is 5000 km/s when going towards the heaven. The distance == 75000. ravana has traveled 2 mins. When god?s messenger reaches the earth . Rama told him

to go back. The speed of the god?s messenger =`00 km/s. By how much he will increase or decrease his speed so that he and Ravana reaches exactly at the same time.

23) a man sells a product by giving 10% reduction on it .in spite of this he gets 10% profit . on a product of 330 rs. Original price What will be the buying price.

1) day:night:: then
a) man:woman
b) spring:summer
c) light : dark
then code of .......
ans) choose every third alphabet
3) 5 * 4 = 12
and 8* 7 =42
then 9* 6 = ?
solution (9-2)*6 =
4).if a certain money becomes twice in 5 years(simple interest).then the 300 rs. will become 2400 at the same rate in how many years........ ans 35 year
5)after giving 35.66% discount. a saler makes a loss of 11.11 rs..............
6).there is a number when diveded by 5 gives a remainder 3 and when divede by 7 gives a
remainder of 5 Ans is 33.
7).a boat is going along the stream and returning in the opposite direction of stream it travels
10 km along stream.the sppeed of stream is 3 km/hr,then find the speed of boat.

9).A and B runing around a circle of perimeter of 1200meter(may be differ).A is runing at 210
meter/minute and B is running 190 metre/minute in oppsite direction to each
wich time they will meet. ans) 3 mins
10) A person goes to the house of Sita who is the neighbour of Gita. Amar married with Anita who is the
sister of Sita. Ashu is the father of Amar.

(a)What is the relation between Sita and Amar?
(b) What is the relation between Amar and Gita?
11) what is the day on 12 january 1979 ?
12).If GEN = 9 , ABOUT = 15 then GENERAL = ? solu. 3* 3 =9 , 5*3=15,so 7 *3= 21

13).A is richer than B. B is richer than C. C is richer than D. D is richer than E. Then who is
the middle of this relation.

14)A,Band C. B is as younger than A as b is as older than C if A and C age sum is 80 .then age of B is
15)A mother 1 year back is 4 times her son age .after 6 years she is 3 times her son age.if the present age of son is 20.find his mother age.
1) s1 = { 1,2,3.......,20}
s2 = { a,b,c,d}
s3 = { b,d,e,f } then the number of element in (s1*s2 )U ( s1* s3) ans) 120
2)a graph was given and three question was asked on it.
3) | z-2|square + |z-1| = constant . this represent what a) circle b) ellipse c) parabola d) none
4)(4+6w+4w*w)cube - (2+4w+2w*w)square = ? where w is the complex root of unity
5) A contractor have to finish a road in 200.He employed 140 worker for 60 days and gets one-fourth of work done .find the addition number of worker is to be employed to complete the work in given
time. ans ) 120 worker (check)
6)there are two pipe ,one fill the tank in 12 hours and other fill in 32 hours .After how long the first pipe is to be closed so as to fill the tank in 16 hours.

7)A sphere is 3cm in radius .It was melted in three sphere out of which one is 1.5 cm radius and other is 2 cm radius .Find the radius of third sphere
8)A refrigator has dimension 6 x 8 x 2 many cube of 2cm square can be put into it.
9)In a equilateral triangle the mid point of its side is connected and the process was repeated one more time .find the ratio of inner triangle to the outermost triangle ans) 1: 16
10) A,B,C,D,E are in arithmatic progression.what is the value of 4A -6B +4C-.......+E. ans) zero
11) A train's to traverse between A &B. If it travels by 50Kmph it got late by 10min If it travels by 36Kmph it got late by 50 min. Find out the speed of the train.

12) I boy's to buy a bike whose cost is 75000. His fatherv gave him 1.5 times what he
can spend and his financial provider gave him 4 time of his father contribution. Find out the Rs. given by his father.
the topic given in GD was 1) iraq war 2) Role model ( ideal )

1.IF rose code as 6786 hot coded as 879
then search will code as in this q there is one no. is assigned t each take search and
letter by letter see the given condition.
2.600,180,54........... complete the series.
3.sedane:pain :: solace:........ ans: grief. :: news ans: editor.
5.river:dam :: traffic (a)signal (b)motin (c)vehicle (d)
6.find the greatest no. (a)half 50%of 50 (b)3times 40%of 40 see the obtion & place 3times 40% of 40 blindly.
7.find the compound interest of 1000 rs. at the rate of 5% p.a. for 15 years.
8.find the greatest of 1000power of 1000,1001power of 999
9.product of two no is constt. if one no. is increased by 50% then other no is decreased how much.
ans: 33.3
10.l.c.m & of two no is 84 & 21 respectively and the ratio of these two no is 1:4 find the gretest no
ans: 84 place blindly.
11.if x is 90% of y then y is how much % of x. 12.the cost of 15 apples & 20 mangoes is much as equal to the 15 mangoes & 20 apple then what is the relation between their cost.. (a)apple is as much equal as mangoes. place blindly (a) obtion.
13.there r 20 men and 5 women then how much maximum couple can be made.....
ans: 20c1*5c1=100. place 100 blindly.
14.a bag contains 8 white and 6 black balls find the prob. of drawing a white ball....
ans: 4/7 place blindly.
15.if numerator is less than 2 by denominator and then if 1 is subtract from the numerator and 1 is added to the denominator then the ratio becomes half what is the no..... ans: 5/7 place blindly.
16.if a certain money becomes twice in 5 years.then the 300 rs. will become 2400 at the same rate in how
many years........

17.if the average of three numbers is 135.and the difference between others is 25 then find the
lowest no.
18.if the thrice of three consecutive odd no is equal to the more three of twice the last no.then
find the 3rd (largest odd no). ans: 11.
19.there are 5 questions in each of the two section.three questions must be attempt for passing the exam how many ways a student will choose the question ans: 100 place blindly.
20.if the lenght of the rectangle is decreased by 4 and breath is increased by 3.then it becomes sqaure
whose areas is equal to that of rectangle.what is the perimeter of the original rectangle.
21.there is a hemisphere of radius of 2 cm how much litre will be occupied in the hemisphere.
given 1 litre= 1000 cubic cm.

22.there is a water tank which has enough water to be consumed in 60 days.if there is a leakage
water stays there for 40 days.if there are more similar leakage then how lomg water will consumed.
23.a man saves money 1000 in each year.and he gives this amount at the end of year for the compound interest at the rate of 5% how much he will save after 25 years.

24.after giving 35.66% discount. a saler makes a loss of 11.11 rs.

25 there is an intersection question cannot remember it but the answer is b
26.the sides of a rectangle is 100 cm and 60 cm if there is a path of 5 cm around the is
included in that given rectangle.find the area of that path.......
27.there is a number when diveded by 5 gives a remainder 3 and when divede by 7 gives a
remainder of 5 Ans is 33.
Q28.a train when travelling from 2 station A and B when travelling a speed of 50km/hr is late by 10min,
and when travelling at 30km/hr arrives a late by 50min. Find the diatance.
29.rational no. is a......... ans: real no. place blindly.
30.a boat is going along the stream and returning in the opposite direction of stream it travels
10 km along stream.the sppeed of stream is 3 km/hr,then find the speed of boat.
31.a boy leaves his home 15 minute before his shedule time. he takes 10 minutes to reach the bus stop.he arrive at the stop at 8:40 am when he leaves the home.
32.A and B runing around a circle of perimeter of 1200meter(may be differ).A is runing at 210 meter/minute and bB is running 190 metre/minute in oppsite direction to each wich time they
will meet.

33.a boy start to count from 32 in the descending order.and another boy start counting from 1 at the
same time and he count only the odd no.then find which no they will count at the same time.
there were 5 questions on syllogism.
if inference is true then A is right
if inference is false then B is right
if inference is probably true then c otherwise D
34.all the wives are women she is women.
inference: she is wife
35.some of the teachers are fool. A is a teacher.
inference: A is a fool.
36.there is a ladder and 4 persons (A,B,C,D) on the ladder. A is further up than B and C.
D is further up than A.Which is third from the bottom of the ladder? Ans: person A.
37.A person goes to the house of Sita who is the neighbour of Gita. Amar married with Anita who is the sister of Sita. Ashu is the father of Amar.(a) What is the relation between Sita and Amar?
(b) What is the relation between Amar and Gita?
38.In an elevator either 12 adults or 20 children can go. If 15 children already occupied the
space , how many adults can go with children? ans: 3
39.Amit's D.O.B. is 3rd March 1980. Amit is four day's older than Sumit. The Republic Day of 1980
is Thrusday. What is the day of Sumit's D.O.B.?
40.A complete a race of 120m taking 4sec less than B. B takes one sec less than C. How much time
taken by A to complete the race?
41.A person pointing towards a lady says She is the only sister of my father. Find the no. of
childs of grandfather? ans: can't say
42.If GEN = 9 , ABOUT = 15 then GENERAL = ?
43.If DUST is called AIR . AIR is called RAIN.RAIN is called WATER. WATER is called COLOUR.
COLOUR is called ROAD. ROAD is called DUST. Where the Fish lives?
44.A is richer than B. B is richer than C. C is richer than D. D is richer than E. Then who is
the middle of this relation.

45.there is question to find the code of SEARCH the ans is c. There are 5 or 6 questions based on coding and decoding.
46.A to Z. First letter A is swapped with Z, second letter B with Y, and so on. Which letter the
tenth from right.

1)Compound Interest (3 or 4)

2)Two taps are filling a tank and the third one is emptying it .. sort.

3)Problems on trains

Maybe RS AGarwal will help a lot.In aptitude there were problems on RELATIONS and on triangle area..Like

One equilateral triangle is divide into say into 3 equilateral traingle.What is the area proportion of the outermost to the innermost?

Kanbay Exam conducted on 2nd Aug 2003.

The Selection Process will have Written Test, GD & Interview. :

GD : You are each given a role to play..u have to justify why yours is best suited to the question and final reach a general consensus.

Tps: Be cool...... Listen carefully..... n what u want but do say something.. don't be too aggressive nor too submissive n yes..don't address any one member only.

Interview: They also ask puzzles like:

3 switches in the bottom floor, 3 bulbs on top floor..u can go upstairs only once.find out which switch is for which bulb. then , out of a group of 10 matchboxes..each with 10 matchsticks of 10 gms. if one weighs 9 will u find it in minimum no. of weighings..

Be confidant and preapre ques like why should we take u?

what are ur assets, hobbies, the last book that read , the last film that u saw of characters in that film etc..




Few questions of KANBAY 2003,aug 1st,in KITS college Bhubaneswar

I am sending all those which I could remember,all were multiple choices..they said cut-off was 12 but it was actually 15 per section.

It had two sections ,LOGIC AND MATHS,cut of in each secn 12,each had

30 questions,1 mark each


1.problems on permutation combinations like BANANA,…..

2.if april 18 was Wednesday in 1998,when is april 18 in 1999?

3.if B has its shadow falling on right side early morning ,then in

which direction is he facing?

4.age problems like…….

Mothers age was twice the the age of son two years ago.after how many

years will she be three times her sons age??

5.analyzing data interpretations and around 4-5 questions based on


6.a Guy has some chocolates with him he distributes them equally among 5 people and remaning with him is 3.if he distributes them equlay among 7 people remaining is 5 with him. Which of them isn't is possible no.of chocolates he had??


7.4-5 problems on profit And loss a test moti,ganesh,manali,rupali,raj, appear,according to the scores moti is not the leats scorer but is lower to raj………….who

occupies the 2 nd postion is the order? a meets mrs b is has a son and daughter .son is moti and is married and has a son .mrs moti is mr a mother .how is mr a related to mr b??

10.ram buys some dozens of apples and peaches .their price ratio is

5:7.if the price of 1 dozen of peach is is rs 9,how many dozens of

apple did he bring?

11.problems based on relationships like those in rs aggarwal a queue A is is in 7 th positon from the left and B is 9

position from the left .if they switch positions A is in 11 th

position ,find the total people in the row??


1. S 1=={1,2,3,4}, S 2 =={A,B.C……….Z},S 3=={……………},(S1*S2)U S3==?

2. IF 5*4=,8*7=B,how much is 6*9== ?

3. 4 to 5 questions on simplifying complex nos. equations

4. sphere of radius 4.5 cm is divide in three spheres ,two have

radius 1.5 and 2 cm,find the other ones??

5. if COMPLEX == 81,and……………….how much is ANALYSE==?? 2-3

questions based on similar pattern

6. two taps a and b fill up a cistern in 2 and3 hrs ,at wat time

should b be clsed if the tank cistern is filled up in 17 minutes??

7. a doctor checks 5 patients every 3 hrs with abreak of 10

minutes between each two check many he patients he checks in

10 hrs and 15 minutes??

8. no. of diagonals friends if vertices of a octagon are joined??

9. an equilateral triangle is formed by joining the centers of

sides of a equilateral triangle.wat is the ratio of area ,s of both

the triangles??

10. A can finish the work in 3 days , B can finish the work in

double efficiency,can finish with equal efficiency of both A and B.if

all work together within how many days will they complete the work?

11. A.B,C,D stand at the edges of a square.they start moving

along the square sides.after clockwise rotation where will each be??

12. if 1 is stop,2 is run,3 is go,4 is wait,5 is walk,then would

be the next stage if the following pattern

5 5 4 3 2 1 ……………………..

4 1 2 2 3 1 ?

13. C remembers meeting B after 14 but before 18 ,but D

remembers meeting B after 16 but before 18.when did both meet B??

14. avg age of boys in a class is 12.when the age of teacher is

included it is 13.wat could be the age of teacher?

35 , 45,53,50

the 2nd set was repeated frm NIT jamshedpur.most of the ques are

repeated ..but there are some sets that are real tough...

written test is very simple filteration will be done in GD.

written test consists of 2 sections(apptitude and logical reasoning)

of 30 quest. each and cut off is 12 each.and the total time is 1


1. which is greater (1000)pow1001 and 1001pow999 container contains milk and water in the ratio 3:7 and the

other contains 8:11,in what ratio these two containers is to be mixed

so that the ratio of milk and water is 4:5.

3. there are two simple problems on time and work.

4.four points will be given and you have to frame two st. line eq.s

in such a way that their point of interesection lies in one of the

four options.

5.there are two to three problems on profit and loss which are little

bit time taking ,so i didn't attempt.

6.a series of nos will be given where the ans can be found by

observing the diff bet two consecutive nos

logical reasoning

1. air is cloud

cloud is rain

rain is water

wateris sand so what is cloud? ans :sand

2. one quesion on relations

3. trafic: signal ans : river :dam

4. two more quesions are there

5. dsoighkl now if lk-(?)-sd , find letter in 4th place

6. some mammals are donkeys

allbuffalos will have horns

based on this 3 quesions r ther

7. two more r simmilar to above

8. to decode the noise :- H.................M


9.cube is of size 5*5*5 .every side has been coloured. it is divided

into 125 equal parts.

1) what is the no. of parts having only one side coloured - 54.

2) no. of parts having two sided coloured 36.

3) having no side coloured - 27.

10.find the no. of occurrence of T which is immediately preceded y P

and no

timmediately followed by S in some series for eg. (TPTSTRUST.......)

ans - 3

11.Four persons are there wearing different coloured shirts eg.


wearing blue ,green, red, yellow.

Now, 1. A cannot wear yellow.

2. B can wear blue or green.

3. C /D is wearing yellow.

You have to find who is wearing which coloured shirt.

12.Find the root of 4a2+b2+c2+4ab-2bc-4ac Ans: 2a+b-c.Two



fill a tank in 5 hrs and 8 hrs. while a hole can empty it in 40 hrs.


will be the time taken to fill if each operate at a time.

Soln: 1\x == 1\5 + 1\8 - 1\40

13.A can beat B by 20 mts. While C can beat B by 40 mts. In a race of


mts. By how much can C beat A? Soln: 75 mts.

14.If u start your journey 30 minutes late , u have to increase your



250kms\hr. to cover up 1500 kms. In same time. What is your usual


Ans: 750kms\hr.

15.For a circle, radius is inc. by some % , find net change

in area?

these r some of the quesion me and my frends remember

note : these r from 5 different sets

gd topics are

lov marriages r arranged marages

r tv serials helpful

Total no. of sets 0716 , 0717 , 0718 out of which

0717 was

Hard . I am sending the qus of 0717 . other section?s

qus . were not managed. Also other sections were easy

in comparison to 0717 .in my college most of the

students having 0717 set were not in the written test

. it was time taking .

I don?t remember the logic qus. For it go thru the


Go thru 1>blood relation.


3>coding ?decoding.

4> puzzles.

Qus related to these topics were asked .

I am sending you few questions.

1)complete the series 600 ,180 ,54,

ans===.2( options were given)

2) some doctors are fool john is a doctor

a> john is a fool.b>all

b> fools are doctors

from this you have to draw the conclusion given in the

options such as only a is true only b is tru both are

tru or none is tru.

3> similar question like2

some teacher are female.a is female.

a>she is a teacher.

b>all females are teacher.

4>river : dam :: traffic:

ans.==== signal

other qus related to analogy were there .go thru R.S.AGRAWAL.

other qus were from the lbood relations .

some qus were from puzzles .

a,b,c,d,e,f,g are 7 epople seating on a wall facing

towards north.b is not at the end.c and d can not

seat together .

qus like this were there .

mathematical qus / aptitudes.

1)a sum of money doubles in 5 years by simple interest

. how much time it will take for 300 to become 2400.

a>40 years b>25 years c>35 years d> 20 years.

2)if length of a rectangle is made 4 less and breadth

is increased by 3 then the resultant square ?s area is

equal to the rectangle. What is the perimeter of the

rectangle .( options were given)

3)what will be the no. at ? position below

51 11 61

64 30 32

35 ? 43

4>the L.C.M. and H.C.F. of two nos. are 84 and 21

and the nos. are in the ratio of 1:4 ,. Find the nos.

ans==== 21, 84

5)find the volume of the hemisphere having radius 2m .

6>problem based on compound interest were asked . so

see the formula of compound interest.

7)a train goes from a to b. if it travels with 50 km/s

then it is late by 10 mins. When it travels with30km/s

then it bis late by

50 mins. Fi nd the distance between a and b.

8)a river is 8 m deep and 150 m wide.river?s speed is

5 km/s.

find the volume of water passed in one min.(1 m cube =1000 c.c.)

9) fin dthe equation of the st. line passing thru the

intersection of the two lines and two other

lines.(equ. Were given)

10) a man sells 20 mangoes + 15 oranges ath the same

price as 15 mangoes+20 oranges. Ho would judge which

is costlier .

( four options were given . I didn?t remember those)

11) a graph was given representing joint venture in

the years.

An dquestion related to the graph were asked such as

A)in which year there was max. change.(ans. Was in the

last year)

Two other qus were asked.they were long so I don?t

remember them .

12)A is counting the no from 1 to 32 and b from 32 .A

is counting the odd no. only .both?s speed is same.

What will be the number which will be pronounced by A

& B together.

( ans . aws none of these )but confirm yourself .

13) in the word ?DISTURBANCE? 1st is replaced by

last 2nd is replced by 10th , 3rd is by 9th and so

on. Which will be the next to ?T?.

14)GIVEN if x/y==3/5. if 1 is added to num . and 1 is

subtracted from denominator then ratio ==5/7. find the


15)there are 5 black and 9 white balls .if one ball is

drawn then find the probability of being white.

16)Avg. age of 5 children =.a child of 5 year age

dies.after 4 years what will be the avg. age.

17)three nos. are given the product of first and

last is equal to the square of the middle. Find the

nos.(options were given)

(ans.== 10, 20, 40)

18) a rectangle was having length 100 m breadth 60

m. there is a road of 5m wide on each side of the

rectangle . find the area of the road.

19) fir no. is the double of 2nd and ½ of the 3rd .

other statement was also given which I don?t


20) a girl cuts a cake in two halevs. One half is

again cut into six equal parts . wt. Of the smaller

one was 20 gms. Fin the wt. Of the whole cake.(ans=240gms.)

21)other question was based on the relative speed in

the river .

i.e. a person first goes upstream then down stream .

river?s speed was given .also the diff. Of time was

given . find the speed of the man.

22) ravana speed is 5000 km/s when going towards the


The distance == 75000. ravana has traveled 2 mins.

When god?s messenger reaches the earth . Rama told him

to go back. The speed of the god?s messenger =`00


By how much he will increase or decrease his speed so

that he and Ravana reaches exactly at the same time.

23) a man sells a product by giving 10% reduction on

it .in spite of this he gets 10% profit . on a

product of 330 rs. Original price What will be the

buying price.